Vanilla WoW Wiki
Gryan Stoutmantle
Image of Gryan Stoutmantle
Title <The People's Militia>
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 35 Elite
Affiliation Stormwind
Location Westfall

Gryan Stoutmantle is an elite level 35 quest giver located in Sentinel Hill in the human territory of Westfall. He is affiliated with the People's Militia. Raids on Sentinel Hill with the goal to kill him are common, mostly to provoke a response from nearby Stormwind and draw Alliance players away in preparations for attacks on the city.

He starts the following quests:

See List of Westfall NPCs.



Gryan Stoutmantle fought in the Third War. He was present when Prince Arthas Menethil purged the city of Stratholme, killing almost all of its citizens to prevent them from becoming part of the Scourge. What role Gryan played in those events is unknown, but he clearly managed to get out of there alive.

When the Defias Brotherhood emerged, Gryan left the Third War to tend to the troubles back home in Westfall.


Due to the corruption of the Stormwind House of Nobles, Westfall did not get the military support it would have needed to defeat the Defias Brotherhood. Feeling that Stormwind had abandoned them, Gryan founded, and became the leader of, the People's Militia.

In his efforts to defend the people of Westfall from the Defias, he recruited young Heroes of the Alliance to aid him, and with their help many of the Defias were killed.

Gryan and the People's Militia captured a thief trying to steal Saldeans wagon. They forced the thief, who became known as the Defias Traitor, to show them the location of the Defias secret Hideout. Thanks to this Gryan found out that the leaders of the Defias Brotherhood were hiding in the Deadmines, hidden in the town of Moonbrook. Once again he called upon the Heroes of the Alliance, and sent them on a mission to kill the Defias King-Pin, Edwin VanCleef, himself.

The Heroes succeded and Westfall was safe once again.
